Phagwah events must be untainted by alcohol and vulgarity – Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha

The Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha notes with concern that a number of events being advertised by persons, promoters and even companies as celebrating Phagwah, carrying messages to promote alcohol, vulgarity, and other activities not in keeping with the observance of Phagwah.

Although, Phagwah is a joyous and unifying festival which transcends all barriers, its spiritual context must be respected,and as the Hindu Community we take deep offence at this level of disrespect of our festival of Phagwah.

Phagwah must be enjoyed by all, but in a respectful way expressing the messages of love, spirituality and fraternity. Alcohol and vulgarity have no place in our festival.

We clearly ask that all advertisements having alcohol, non- vegetarian foods and vulgar and lewd activities not be associated with or marketed as Phagwah or Holi events. We have asked the Guyana Police Force to intervene as we do each year and to ask persons promoting these events to desist from linking then to Phagwah.

Also, we are asking beverage companies to be responsible and not promote alcohol as a Phagwah promotion.

We also encourage all in the Hindu Community to take a vigilant stance and to report all such activities.

[Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha Press Release]


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