Beyond the Rhetoric: Linden united in response to devastating storm, flooding

Beyond the Rhetoric: Linden united in response to devastating storm, flooding

By Kurt Campbell

On Tuesday last, a freak storm swept through Linden, Region 10, unleashing heavy rains that led to flooding and destruction.

The most devastating impact was the damage to numerous homes, which prompted a swift and coordinated response from local government agencies, community leaders, and the Civil Defence Commission (CDC).

The following day, Jermaine Figueira, the opposition Member of Parliament and Region 10 representative, reported on the immediate actions taken to assess and address the damage.

He stated, “our team is committed to ensuring that the necessary assistance is rendered to those in need during this challenging time.”

This commitment was evident as Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill, alongside Figueira and local stakeholders, visited several affected areas to evaluate the extent of the damage and offer support.

During their initial outreach, they focused on 13 of the worst-hit homes in Mackenzie and Wismar, assuring residents that additional assessments would follow for those not initially visited.

Minister Edghill subsequently collaborated with the Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Sonia Parag, to engage the CDC and the Community Infrastructure Improvement Project (CIIP) in devising a comprehensive cleanup strategy.

The plan included the critical task of clearing drainage systems to prevent further flooding, with the first cleanup efforts scheduled to commence in Central Mackenzie and Retrieve.

To assist in the recovery, the government pledged to supply zinc sheets through local hardware stores and offered the expertise of contractors for repairing and rebuilding damaged structures. This was done.

Figueira, however, highlighted the need for financial assistance to residents who had suffered losses beyond structural damage, particularly concerning furniture and appliances.

“It is crucial that we advocate for tangible financial assistance for those who were most severely affected,” He affirmed, emphasising the importance of addressing both immediate and long-term needs.

The CDC played a pivotal role in this recovery effort. Colonel Fraser and his team revisited affected homes to distribute cleaning supplies and food hampers, conducting further assessments to ensure comprehensive support.

Lt. Col. (Ret’d) Mark Thomas later reported on the progress of repairs, noting that most residents were appreciative of the swift response from the government.

Homeowners in Retrieve and Blueberry Hill expressed gratitude, underscoring the effective collaboration among local leaders and governmental bodies.

The community response was not just about providing immediate relief; it also focused on prevention and resilience.

Figueira urged residents to actively participate in the cleanup process, reminding them of the importance of proper waste disposal to prevent clogged drains.

“Responsible actions now will help prevent future disasters and protect our homes and neighborhoods,” he stated.

The collective efforts of local leadership, government agencies, and the community not only addressed the urgent needs following the storm but also reinforced the value of unity and cooperation.

The aftermath of the storm has become a testament to how the township, long divided along political lines, can come together in the face of adversity.

On Saturday, with support from the government, Figueira was able to lead a residents in flood mitigation works by cleaning the clogged drains in identified communities.

He believes his efforts and those of residents are “beyond the rhetoric”.

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